Where Landscapes Are Formed

Oil Pastel on MDO

Jill Cunninghis
“Being In The Fire”
Oil Pastel on MDO

15 years ago, I was grappling with what it means to be an artist.
Truthfully, I’ve been grapping with that practically my entire life.

It’s a rich place of inquiry and an explosion of sensory delight – rich swirling colors, life revealing itself as visual energy…

Strength and motivation collide there
as I, sometimes blindly, bump up and around my boundaries
stretching the flexibility muscles…more.

It is the portal through which I am drawn to experience expansion,
heart opening, change, deepening.

It is a place to live in curiosity –
where everything seems like a possibility
to reach for deeper understanding and a more profound connection 
to life…

It is where internal landscapes are formed.