May we always recognize
the magic within and around us.
May we always remember
we are in relationship with all beings.
Linden (Jill) Cunninghis
We all encounter common personal themes during our human journeys – growth, self-fulfillment, security, love, connection, sustainability, safety, self-image, integrity, change, aging, illness, loss, grief and, sometimes, trauma. Additionally, because we are part of a greater whole, we navigate the collective climate, as well, such as our own biases and practices that uphold systemic racism, misogyny and cultural and economic oppression. While there are no shortcuts around these themes, how we relate to them determines the quality of our lives.
We do not all orient around these themes the same way, and it can be easy to feel alone when we’re dealing with them. I offer you guidance toward reconnecting with your innate wisdom, strength and creativity – mentorship to help you discover how to best explore tools for gaining a deeper understanding of your own, unique and precious inner landscape.
Weaving together a myriad of somatic and other integrative modalities, I support and hold space for clients as they look within, and look deeper toward discovering, unpacking and accepting what is authentic and alive. From there, we explore together how to preserve those truths and call in more satisfying strategies for what no longer serves.
I am grateful and give thanks to my teachers – past, present and to come – who model the importance of nurturing mind, body, spirt, community and the environment. How I integrate the teachings and weave them into my life has been and continues to be my inquiry, and I welcome it to be yours, as well.